Monday, October 25, 2010

The Dilemma

Previously, I wrote here about the gay-life-in-prague, and finished my post asking "What is missing in the gay scene to make the night life in Prague a little bit warmer?“ Somebody wrote me that we need better clubs, modern with modern music. I thought about it and could not help wondering: Where are the Modern people to go to the modern clubs with modern music? 
I completely agree with my reader and sometimes I want to shit my panties when I am playing in a club, and somebody come to me asking to play Bob Marley, Robbie Williams or Helena Vondráčková. HELL NO! Of course I also play some flashbacks, but let´s have a little bit better taste when we are talking about party.

We have also to consider that being Modern can be very relative. A club can have a great modern visual with people listen shit music or you can have a shit old place with party people dancing all night long modern music.

I believe to be Modern, in the context we were talking about, being gay in a European capital city, is more about attitude and behaviour. Is more about to be open to know something else than you already knew it before.

A believe there is still a lot of things to do in Prague to change the gay scene and the night-life and one of the first steps is to change the clubs, for that, what about to start to say out loud what we would to change? What about to open your mouth and call the manager of the club and say him something is not good in his club?

We cannot get anything if we do not ask for...and sometimes we have to scream!

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