Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can gays be homophobes?

Homophobia is sad enough to faced it in the regular base – from the heterosexual majority. But more sad is when you see gays being homophobic.
Some gays do not like to be associated with other types of gays, diversity is not for everybody, so those gays behave badly and treat others with brutal comments and rejection.

Is proved that most homophobes are gays inside of the closed, if you are straight, and truly comfortable in your own sexuality why do you give a damn about others?
My experiences have led me to believe that the same people only do so because they are trying desperately to conceal their own feelings, fighting their own fears and sexuality…

But my point today is not about those closed gays, it´s about gays who already came out but they judge and condemn the other gays who are different.

What a shame! 

I always considered gays a little bit more smart, sensitive and more tolerant - people who have in their own history a lot of victorious battles which made them stronger enough to do not be afraid of diversity.
Straight looking gays does not like the effeminates, muscles guys hates the skinny boys, romantic drama queens hates the horny boys who are looking just for one night stands... and the list goes on and on.
Stop the hate!
There is no reason to hate just because you like, think and behave different. No need to be afraid of any association of who you are with who the others are.

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